The Tors of Dartmoor

Dartmoor is covered in over 160 dramatic, granite tors usually based on top of a hill. There are so many we couldn't list on this page, so here's some of our favorite Tors.

Great and Little Trowlesworthy Tor is within walking distance from Cadover Bridge so just a short drive to The White Thorn Inn. 

Sheeps Tor towers over the small village of Sheepstor at a huge 369 m above sea level. Sheeps Tor can also been seen from Burrator Reservoir. Sheepstor village is just 4.5 miles and a 13 minute drive from The White Thorn Inn.

Gutter Tor has a very unique shape with stunning views from the top. Gutter tor is located close to a small car park near a Scout Hut. Below the tor you can see the ruins of Ditsworthy Warren House, one of the locations used in Steven Spielberg's film "War Horse". The scout hut car park is 5.1 miles and a 14 minute drive from The White Thorn Inn.